Attorney Brian Giaquinto will work together with you and your advisors (financial, tax, etc.) to analyze your current situation. He will then develop a custom tailored and comprehensive estate plan which may include a:
Last will and testament
Durable power of attorney
Health care proxy
Living trust
Irrevocable trusts
Special Needs Trusts
When it comes to planning your estate, your situation and your wishes are not the same as anyone else’s. Form books and computerized, “fill-in-the-blank” documents cannot satisfy your individual needs. Attorney Brian Giaquinto provides carefully customized wills and other advance planning documents.
Estate Planning
Do you know what will happen to your assets and, more importantly, your loved ones if you were to suddenly pass away? Do you have a minor child or a child who would need a guardian appointed should something happen to you? A consultation with an experienced estate planning attorney to review your current financial, familial, and health situation is the first step towards gaining clarity in understanding who will watch over your minor children, how you will be buried, how your assets will be distributed after your passing, and how to avoid or minimize any potential taxes.